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Show News - 5th September 2024


Only about SIX weeks to go to have the chance for you to SHOW your community your passion or hobby.

Now is the time to prepare, start or finish in time to enter the show, for all to see and enjoy.


Therefore, get the fertilizer out and prepare your gardens to enter, or that special bloom; animals hooved and feathered to be at their prime, or allow your imagination to inspire us all with your hand craft, art and photography and even the cooking section, where you still can enjoy your failures during the practice runs up to show day.


This is also a great chance to encourage our young community members to be hands on and create something that they will be proud to show everyone!


Show dates are Friday 18th  and Saturday 19th October.


More information online or contact us via email on or phone 0459 329 969.

Show News - August 2024

This year’s schedule is almost ready to go to print, it has been very rewarding for the new show committee for the support that has been shown from our local businesses and is still coming in.

Let’s make this event worthy for the whole community to engage in, visit, enjoy, and “show case” what our district has to offer.

Over the next weeks there will be highlights and more information on the competition events to be held, it will be very similar to last year’s categories, so there is no reason not to start planning what you or your children would like to enter.

For all those photographers out there the Junior and Senior, VAS winners can go on to District and State Levels, the main subject is defined as ARCHITECTURE (Bridge, Building or Structure in Australia) for the complete rules and regulations will be on our social media and can be sent out to you via email if requested. And warm up those ovens again.

We will be updating our Facebook, Web Site and “Show News “in “The Bridge” regularly until the show on Friday the 18th and Saturday the 19th of October.

You can contact us via email on, or

phone 0459 329 969, if you have any questions or ideas.


Our next general meeting is to be held at Clubarham’s RSL room, on Tuesday 20th August at 7.00 pm,

Until the next update.

Show News - July 2024

A new year and a new committee having started the process of having a successful Barham-Koondrook & District PA&H Show in 2024.


The Committee would firstly like to thank the outgoing committee and all the other members of the community for all the past efforts that provided many successful Shows, especially over the last few years with Covid and a washout.


With the continuing back up of many of the past committee during this transition, we are calling for the same support from our business sponsorship, you will have or will be contacted via email or in person to help provide the backbone for the Show to take place.


The REAL thing that makes our Show a pleasure to visit are the ENTRIES, from Livestock, handcrafts, cooking, garden, photography plus, all have been produced or made from locals, young and old.

The schedule will be similar to the past, please check on some of the updated rules, especially the cooking and photography section, and these updates will be on our Web page and Facebook also hard copies around town or can be emailed out to you on request.


Contact - Email is ,

Ph 0459 329 969 Garry.


More SHOW NEWS to follow soon, it’s up to ALL of US to make it a GREAT SHOW.

After a great result at our rescheduled AGM - 



Thank you to our very committed and hard working executive committee that has taken a smaller role now after many years of amazing stewardship.


Thanks to Gael Mathers, Graham Minnis & Geoff Barker along with retiring member Maree Telford.  We certainly appreciate all your years of service to our community.


The new committee will be relying on your years of knowledge during our time learning the ropes!!





Pictured Left to Right  
TREASURER - Tracy Brennan, V/PRESIDENT - Meg Dyer,
PRESIDENT - Christine Mudie
SECRETARY - Garry Kennedy



Another show held with a lot of success. It was good to be able to finally actually hold a show again. The weather was perfect on both Friday night and Saturday morning and it was great to see a good crowd on Friday night and a reasonable crowd on Saturday. The new amusement attractions as well as the traditional ones were appreciated by the crowd. We did not get any of the big rides but we need to remember that there are eleven other shows in Victoria that weekend and another five in southern NSW. Some of these were big ones such as Mildura and Geelong, so we do get a lot of competition for such attractions. The shearing attracted a big audience and the camel rides went nonstop during the night. Jamie’s zoo and Professor Wallace had steady audiences all night and morning. The sideshows we got were kept busy all night and morning. The fireworks were spectacular again. We had a good roll up of horses on Saturday. These are dropping off in numbers as fewer locals keep horses for showing.  There were some good quality horses on show. We did not have cattle this year due to a number of circumstances beyond our control.

 The pavilion looked great, although the number of entries and entrants were down on previous shows. The quality of exhibits was very high.  There are still a few exhibits to be picked up. These are at 67 Mellool St Barham. Ring Graham on 0426545322 if you want your exhibit back. There are a number of Photos and art entries to be picked up.

The Committee would like to thank all those who helped out in the running of the show. The stewards , judges and people who came in to help set it all up  were very much appreciated. We thank the local businesses for their support through advertising in our schedule booklet and through sponsorship of various sections. We would like to make special mention of CluBarham for their sponsorship of the Camel Rides. This meant that the rides were free. This helped parents’ pockets a bit. Also a special mention to Elders and Boyds H Hardware for the sponsorship of the Shearing Competition and Graeme Boyd for setting up the electricals for the show.

Thank you to all those who entered exhibits and those who came to the show. We hope you were satisfied  by our efforts.

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